Piano, Voice, Mandolin, Ukulele & Bass Lessons in Raleigh NC

Woman looking at a variety of musical instruments

While Velvet Aquarium Guitar Studio focuses primarily on guitar lessons in Raleigh NC, Eliot Wilcox can assist with music studies of many kinds. Learn more about our process for piano, voice, mandolin, ukulele & bass lessons in Raleigh.

Piano Lessons in Raleigh NC

Piano lessons in Raleigh from Velvet Aquarium Guitar Studio are rarely offered as stand alone lessons by themselves and are not taught in the traditional sense with sheet music as the primary tool for learning the notes and chords. Piano lessons are used to illustrate the concepts of music theory and are usually done with a student who is focusing on another instrument.

Student and teacher doing voice lessons

Voice Lessons in Raleigh NC

Like piano lessons, voice lessons in Raleigh are offered to students whose main focus is another instrument. These students wish to incorporate singing along while playing, whether for back-up vocals or for a classical singer songwriter goal. Eliot Wilcox of Velvet Aquarium Guitar Studio has formal training in voice and piano and understands the principles and techniques of both fluently.

Mandolin Lessons in Raleigh NC

Mandolin lessons in Raleigh consist of a similar format to guitar lessons with a little more emphasis at the beginning on posture and actual finger placement. Some of the principals of playing are different but the progression of learning follows the main Guitar Lessons structural model.Because of the mandolin’s ornamental role in music, the student is often encouraged to play along while the instructor plays a rhythm guitar part. This allows the student to become accustomed to playing embellishments or solos.

A mandolin on a table
young woman playing ukulele

Ukulele Lessons in Raleigh NC

Ukulele lessons in Raleigh also follow the main Guitar Lessons structural model: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The focus is on chord shapes with some scale patterns intertwined. Though very often performed as a solo instrument, ukulele can also be used for embellishments and texture, so music theory is a major factor in learning ukulele.

Bass Lessons in Raleigh NC

Bass lessons in Raleigh focus primarily on scale patterns with an emphasis on music theory. The student learns chord triads and bass “walking” patterns so they understand the bassist’s role to move the rhythm and harmony simultaneously. Like mandolin lessons, these lessons are also done with the instructor playing rhythm guitar so the student becomes accustomed to playing with other instruments.

Contact Velvet Aquarium Guitar Studio for Raleigh Bass, Mandolin, Ukulele, Piano, & Voice Lessons

In addition to advanced, intermediate and beginner guitar lessons, Velvet Aquarium Guitar Studio is your source for ukulele, piano, mandolin, voice and bass lessons in Raleigh NC. Call 919-624-7813  or Contact Velvet Aquarium Guitar Studio online now to receive a free consultation. Velvet Aquarium Guitar Studio has connections across many musical fields and can also recommend instructors for other instruments, including violin lessons in Raleigh from Rawls Violin Studio & Performance.